This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WaterOnlyBetter #CollectiveBias
It started after Zach was born. I had never really noticed it before, but when he was born, it really did start. Late nights spent breastfeeding meant late nights where I’d just be… awake. So, I did something I swore I would never do. I got hooked on reality TV. See, my mind wasn’t awake enough for reading, and it really couldn’t handle TV with actual plot, either, so there I’d be, lying there awake after Zach had drifted off to sleep, realizing I needed to be doing…. well, something. Anything. if I wasn’t sleeping.
As moms, I feel like we have this constant push to always be doing something. If we’re waiting during soccer practice, we’re taking pictures with our phone, checking Facebook, working using the nearest place’s free WiFi, catching up on the massive stack of magazines we’ve let pile up.
And yet, that never feels like enough, does it?
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve decided to actually relax for a change, slathered on a face mask, and then spent the 20 minutes waiting for it to set cleaning the bathroom instead of doing any actual relaxing. I mean, I can’t just sit there and use a face mask, can I? That seems silly. And don’t get me started on nail polish; I’ve decided that if my hands are going to show up on the blog once in awhile, I need to actually have decent nail polish. But what about when you put it on and you’re waiting for it to dry?
Time spent waiting for my nails to dry is time I can’t be folding laundry, tackling my to-do list on my phone, writing a post on my computer, taking a shower, or a million other things… I’m basically a sitting duck until it tries to set (and don’t tell me about those quick-setting nail polishes because those still take forrrrreeeevvvvveeerrr to actually bother setting).
I started to think about it, and I realized that, since my son was born, I couldn’t remember a moment that I wasn’t doing multiple things at once. I mean, sure, there were moments when I was cuddling with Zach and my whole world just came to a halt, and there were times that he and I were playing that it was my sole focus, but outside of him, I couldn’t think of any time that I spent just… relaxing. Doing nothing in particular. I mean, I keep wet erase markers in the bathroom for when I suddenly get great ideas, but happen to be in the shower. I *cannot* be the only person who does that.
So I finally realized, you know what? Forget it. If I’m going to be multitasking anyway, I may as well embrace it. I may as well make life sparkle just a little bit more.
So starting now, I refuse to be ashamed by the trash TV that I shamelessly watch while processing photos for the blog, at the same time I’m on Pinterest, because let’s be honest, who isn’t?
I won’t hide the fact that I use my face mask time as the perfect opportunity to clean the whole bathroom and paint my nails.
I’ll openly confess that my time spent “relaxing” on the porch swing entails crossing items off of my to-do list, planning every task for the next week, and making sure I’m up-to-date on every appointment I know I’m bound to forget.
I’ll be honest about how dinner was 5 minutes late because there were 15 other tasks I *needed* to do and then remembered, oh… right… I was cooking dinner. Like that time when I let the chicken and dumplings burn because I forgot to turn down the heat because putting dishes away quickly meant the tupperware falling on my head meant taking time to rearrange it RIGHT THIS MINUTE.
But I’m also going to start taking a little bit more time to savor one task.
That means I’m going to try really hard to take the time to listen to that one song I really love, rock out to it, and not feel the need to be doing something productive while I do it.
That means that I’m actually going to savor an episode of a TV show that I love without feeling the need to be working while I watch.
That means that I won’t feel the compulsive need to check work email WHILE I take my vitamins, because that stuff can wait the 30 seconds while I’m chewing, yeah?
And that means that the end of a long day, I’m going to get out my fanciest, prettiest, dishwasher-safe glasses (because who has time to hand wash like… anything, right?) and pour myself a sparkly, exciting, fun beverage like Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water.
The last time I was at Walmart, I picked it up in the juice and mixers aisle of my store, and, because it comes in several flavors, it’s a good way to shake up my evening routine. Luckily, it’s all natural, has 0 calories, and 0 sodium, making it a good choice for an indulgence after a multi-tasking day, but also a great choice for drinking literally anytime, anywhere. And with flavors like Mandarin Orange and Lemon Lime, it really can’t be beat. It’s unsweetened, too, so it’s a refreshing drink of water… only better.
I multi-task all the time. Now, instead of mundane multitasking (like putting away dishes while I cook dinner), I have a lot more fun multitasking.
Monday, I grabbed a mandarin orange Canada Dry sparkling water and cranked the music, dancing through my laundry folding.
On Tuesday, I chose the lemon lime sparkling water while chopping veggies and photographing a recipe. I recruited Zach to help with dinner, and watched over his shoulder as he stirred and mixed.
Wednesday a much cleaner pantry, as I promised myself a reward of trash TV if I could get it all done before my playlist ended and before I finished my can of Raspberry Canada Dry seltzer water.
Moms, instead of pairing mundane tasks with other mundane tasks, I’m giving you a challenge.
Pair a mundane task with something that makes your life sparkle more.
Maybe it’s pairing laundry with a playlist that makes you sing out loud. Or maybe it’s pairing cleaning with a bribe of doing something awesome when you finish. And if it’s pairing literally any boring task you’ll ever have to do with Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water, well, you’re in luck, because you can Save 50 cents on one (1) 12-pack of Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water in any flavor by visiting this link.
And if you need more motivation to tackle the tough tasks in life, you can try this Orange Dream Cooler, which is a beverage multitasking as a dessert.
Start by placing a scoop of your favorite vanilla ice cream in a glass.
On top, add a nice, generous pour of cream of coconut (I found mine in the mixer aisle of my local Walmart). It works out to be about a teaspoon or so.
Then, give a nice, generous pour of Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water in Mandarin Orange (or any other favorite flavor) on top. Didn’t use it all? Don’t worry– as you drink, you can add more on top.
The fizzy, frothy foam on top is perfect for tickling your nose and making life have just a tiiiny bit more sparkle (okay, actually a ton. It’s delicious!)

- 1 Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1 Teaspoon Cream of Coconut
- 1/2 Can Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water in Mandarin Orange
- Scoop ice cream into a glass.
- Drizzle cream of coconut on top of ice cream.
- Pour Canada Dry Sparkling Seltzer Water on top.
- As you drink, add more sparkling seltzer water, or split can with a friend.
What two tasks do you always seem to pair together? Are you a multi-tasker, too? Let me know in the comments below!
Isn’t it sad that our downtime we spend planning for the week instead of really relaxing? I love that you’ve found a way to escape and unwind – I need to do this myself! #client
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