I know this isn’t the first summer that I’ve shared with you how much I love Drive-In movies.
Drive-In movies are part of a family tradition for us. I can’t remember how old I was when we went to our first Drive-In, but I know for sure it’s a fun tradition I want to keep alive for my son’s sake. It’s one of the most important traditions we have.
You see, we don’t just go for the movie.

It’s tradition to get there early and play on the playground in front of the screen.

At the beginning of the summer, Zach was unable to make it up the slide without help. Last time we visited, however, he was able to make it up and down the slide all by himself! I love seeing him grow up on this equipment.

We always take a ball in case we decide to play a pick-up game of soccer. This photo shows Javier, a student from Brazil, heading the ball during one of these games.

Drive-In movies are about FAMILY. The picture above shows family and friends we love attending the Drive-In with, as well as exchange students. We love introducing students to Drive-In movies, because they’re really not as common outside of the U.S.
There’s just something about the Marquee, the Playground, waiting for it to get dark outside, watching the movie…

Most recently, we went to the Drive-In during the Meteor Shower. It meant that, as we watched the movie, above the screen we could see massive amounts of shooting stars.
On one of these stars, I wished that our Drive-In would be saved. You see, Drive-Ins are suffering right now. Most of them cannot afford to survive the shift to digital, and Hollywood keeps raising the cost of keeping a drive-in open. I mean, where else can you see a double feature for only $7? Drive-In movies just aren’t making enough to survive or make the shift.
So, each summer, fewer and fewer drive ins survive. Each summer, there are casualties. And it’s sad.
The thought of our Drive-In closing before my son can be old enough to keep those memories of the drive in devastates me.
I just want these memories to last. I want him to grow old enough to remember the Drive-In. In wishful thinking, I want Drive-In movies to still be a thing when my son is grown. Can you imagine how great it would be for him to take HIS kids to the drive-in?
That’s why I’m desperate to Save the Midway Drive-In that we go to every summer.
If you want to help save my Drive-In, or a Drive-In near you, please head over to Project Drive-In and VOTE. Vote to keep this family tradition alive. Vote to give everyone a chance to visit a Drive-In movie. Vote to give hope to this amazing movie culture that is dwindling.

Please. Don’t let the drive-ins go dark. Save them. The best way to support your local drive in? Spread the word about it. Visit it often. Support the concession stand. If you’re going to the Midway, you always have the option of tipping the Concession Stand– all money goes to the Save the Midway fund.
Speaking of, if you’re in the area, Planes and Smurfs 2 are the movies airing at the final weekend of the season this weekend, August 30, 31, and September 1. I hope to see you there!